Stormwater and Water Quality Program Support, Naval Auxiliary Landing Field San Clemente Island
To fulfill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements and requirements for discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS).
Project Description:
The project consisted of updating stormwater-related plans; performing inspections, monitoring, and sampling; evaluating best management practices; providing permit support; and supporting general water and stormwater compliance planning and compliance projects. Tasks included the development of a Work Plan, which included a Sampling and Analysis Plan and an Accident Prevention Plan; conducting meetings for project kickoff and program updates; and weather tracking and mobilization management, which included the logistics of securing flights, hotel rooms, and rental vehicles as well as ensuring staff availability.
Field tasks included sampling and analysis of stormwater discharges, visual observations of sampling event discharges, routine maintenance, and data downloads of flow data loggers on ASBS outfalls, and Level 1 Exceedance Response Action (ERA) inspection and site evaluation support. Reporting consisted of hydraulic engineering calculations and discharge estimates for ASBS compliance, an Annual Report and an update of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, an update of Geographic Information System layers with information provided by government inspections, and a Level 1 ERA Plan for various pollutant exceedances.
The KMEA team successfully inspected sites, collected data, evaluated information for deficiencies, suggested remedies, and prepared reports and fact sheets to meet NPDES permit and ASBS order requirements. The KMEA team recommended and gained approval to move most of the sampling locations closer to industrial activities to decrease sediment discharges from natural hillside areas into industrial outfall sampling. These new locations more accurately represented industrial discharges and in most instances were significantly safer than previously established locations.