Biological Trapping Activities at Former Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment
To provide biological trapping activities and support the Navy to comply with the substantive requirements of the Endangered Species Act and other applicable federal and state guidelines.
Project Description:
The main focus is to trap and exclude California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) and California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) from the sites that require ground-disturbing activities. Tasks have included the development of a Work Plan, which included an Accident Prevention Plan, and conducting meetings for project kickoff and monthly program updates.
Field activities include biological trapping; electric fence maintenance; education of project personnel on identification, avoidance, and protection of endangered species; and monitoring of intrusive activities (boring, trenching, etc.). Reporting tasks include monthly trapping reports with descriptions of field activities and photographs as well as an annual report for each site where trapping occurred.
As the prime contractor, KMEA has successfully trapped and excluded sensitive wildlife species, such as the California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog, collected data on the species, sustained agency liaison, maintained sites, educated field personnel, and reported data to the government.